Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Grandmother, Elder and Protector in Search of Allies

Northern Florida reached the 90's today, hot and steamy. It stormed last night with wind and rain strong enough to shake down the (apparently dead) top of our 70 foot water oak tree. The debris spreads haphazardly on the bricks and newly installed grass in our yard. Other than that I realized our yard is finished so our home is finally "done" inside and out. My mind is free for new ventures.

I plan to restart my blog after a two year hiatus, during which I moved from Italy to Florida and bought and refurbished a home, but not under its old name, Journey Into Elderhood (https://journeyintoelderhood.blogspot.com). My 60's were spent finding my particular way into elder hood but, after those early years of old age, I'm now securely an elder.

In thinking about a favorite TV show today, Game of Thrones with Kaleesi, the mother of dragons, in popped 'grandmother of dragons' as a title for this decade's journal of my continuing journey. Because sometimes life demands fierceness. In these middle years of old age (my 70's) I'll show up, pay attention, tell the truth and write about what that teaches me.

I play the game DragonVale (an Apple app) and have since it started. Five years later I still enjoy it immensely. With over 370 dragons in 100 habitats on 26 islands, I'm literally the keeper of dragons. And as grandmother to my two grands, aunt to eleven nieces and nephews and great aunt to eight great nieces and nephews, I claim the role of elder and protector of the realm not just in my family but also in my community which is in need of wise women elders and fierce protectors.

Surely the events of this last weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia prove the need for those of us who cherish diversity to stand and demand the inclusion of all races, religions, sexes and sexual persuasions in our lives, neighborhoods and body politic. Inclusion with full equality. That is the world I want to live in. That is the world I want to leave to my grandchildren and their grandchildren. I am part of that solution. I'm in search of allies.


  1. So glad you're blogging again! I've missed you. And these times call for your particular blend of ferocity and empathy.

  2. Welcome back, Mary! I'll be interested to see how the Facebook/blog balance works for you. It seems that most of my blogging community has defected to Facebook, leaving it a little lonely in the blogosphere.

  3. Welcome back! Excited to hear your learnings!!

  4. All dragons - and all people - need a great defender! Bless you for being that person!
